Friday, November 26, 2010

Guilty Pleasures

Informal Theme #6
Blog #6

            “Short is the joy that guilty pleasure brings.” Guilty pleasure is something one enjoys and considers pleasurable despite feeling guilt for enjoying it. Often, the “guilt” involved is simply fear of others discovering one’s lowbrow or otherwise embarrassing tastes, rather than actual moral guilt. It is almost alike with Schadenfreude which means pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. Ever experienced someone take you for granted just to gratify themselves?

            Of all the virtues, this ranked second in my list, the first one being the Golden Rule. I sense this almost every day, from a classmate or two. Do you know how aggravating it is when someone pleads you to treat them when they think you are rich? Or maybe how provoking it is when you stay up all night for a project that was supposedly by group. You work so hard and all they do is take advantage of you on purpose, isn’t it irritating?

            Guilty pleasures even exist in fashion, music and food. We choose to eat unhealthy foods high in sugar or fat for the pleasure of our taste even though we know how bad it is for our health. Guilt is on our minds but we do not hinder from doing so. In every action you do, righteousness must exist. Don’t even bother let these pleasures prevail over your mind.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Building Vital Health

Informal Theme #5
Blog #5

          It is probably true that Life begins at forty. But the life that begins there is generally Not what is desired to be, for it is more of the kind of life that is beset with annoying bodily discomforts like back aches, chest pains, stomach aches, palpitations, leg and joint pains, nervousness, hypertension and many, many others. There is just no end to the list of indispositions which plague the human race today. Many people spend their HEALTH to gain WEALTH, and then later on, spend all their WEALTH in a desperate effort to regain HEALTH. We have rather observed that the Life that starts at forty is no other than the so-called "Sickly life."

          For one discovers after working like a dog and saving like an ant for 25 years that he must, in all probability, retire with all his precious time and money in the local hospital, in a mental institution, or worse, in the funeral parlor. This is really too high a price to pay ... for nothing. And for those who manage to prolong their lives (and misery) by feeding on suppressing remedies, they come to the point, eventually, of becoming too sick of being sick! We wish to understand Health by studying about disease, its nature, causes, and most of all, its "wonderful effects" on the human anatomy. We think this is a perfect procedure since almost everyone has his own idea already about Health - but disease continues to be least understood by all.

          The value of Health is appreciated only when it is already lost, and this fact makes our approach more dramatic, if not realistic. The health of the country is far from what it is thought to be and what it could be. In a nationwide health survey conducted by the Ministry of Health of this country very recently, 15 chronic diseases were identified to be causing more prevalence among the population, than before. It tells us that the nation's medical bill will be approaching astronomical proportions in the days to come. Let us act now and value our health before it is too late!

Friday, November 12, 2010

How Dante's Epic Words Stroke Me for the Better

Informal Theme #4
Blog #4

            A literary classic. A book to read before you die. That is how I describe “The Divine Comedy”. The Divine Comedy is without question the greatest work of literature the medieval world ever produced. Ever wondered why this is so-called a ‘masterpiece’?
            You've probably heard of The Divine Comedy from its first section, Dante's Inferno. But the original classic goes much further. You have to guide Dante through Hell, to Purgatory, then Paradise, and through the heavens to finally see the face of God. Along the way you learn more about the nature of faith, the real inhabitants of this planet, and the great danger that faces all reality. The poem's imaginative and allegorical vision of the Christian afterlife is a culmination of the medieval world-view as it had developed in the Western Church.

            “A great flame follows a little spark.” This short quotation from the piece gave meaning to my thoughts, that a sin you’ve done here on Earth corresponds to a much greater punishment, which, however, takes longs from how much your sin weighs to forever. I can assure you that I have become a better person when I read this book (much lesser commitment of sins, seriously asking for forgiveness for my wrong doings every night when I pray, etc.), that’s how it influenced me. Others who have known the story behind this are somehow affected by Dante’s words, no matter how large or small the impact may be. I totally recommend everyone to read this and pass the words on!

Friday, November 5, 2010

An Insight on Scout Life

Informal Theme #3
Blog #3

            The influence of Scouting appears mostly in the goal that Josefa Llanes Escoda, the founder of the movement, has stated its mission is “to help girls and young women realize the ideals of womanhood and prepare themselves for their responsibilities in the home, and to the nation, and the world community.” Youth is trained in responsible citizenship. God is discovered through nature. Meeting new peers and discovering new horizons are also essential constituents of this fantastic event. Since the dawn of civilization, several movements were created in order to collaborate in the education of youth.

            Scouting is indeed a method, a way of life. The activity was never fun for me until this year arrived. It was also not a piece of cake, to be honest. But every particular detail is advantageous, all satisfying my stay well enough for me to enjoy myself. From the start until finish, the atmosphere maintained its emancipation though it may be a little tiring.

I express my deepest gratitude to the GSP staff for making this undertaking fortuitous. Learning from this enterprise gave arousal to fortitude for every GSP member. The most integral thing I learned from this experience is that a house divided against itself cannot stand. Everyone involved must unify and function together or it will not work out. Right as rain, there is no doubt that everybody appreciated the Girl Scout of the Philippines School-Based Camp 2010!